I haven't written on my blog sight now for several months, but today I read something that demands my outrage to be expressed. I read today that NBC Sports Network an NRA sponsored program "Under Wild Skies" about hunting in Africa. Tony Makris an NRA Lobbyist kills a bull Elephant on national TV and poses bravely with the dead bull. See
I have in my past life been a hunter but I found no great pleasure in killing and only for food. I cannot believe that Christian Conservatives fall for the NRAs line and support them for killing humans and animals. I suggest that those of you that buy their line of BS that you drop the Christian part because you don't fit the description. Tony Makris and the "Under Wild Skies" should be boycotted by the American people.

I believe that part of America is in love with their guns, I hope that a smaller part of America is in love with killing. This godless latter bunch that don't give a flying F for murdered children enough for any compromise, in false fear of their guns being taken, do not care for their own children's heritage of the world.
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