Friday, September 27, 2013


If you read my last blog posted yesterday 9/26/13 about the killing of a bull elephant on  national television by NBCs Sports Series "Under Wild Skies" by an NRA lobbyist Tony Makis.  The shooting of this magnificent intelligent beast is bad enough but Makis's inability as a gun person and a hunter which he espouses caused undue stress and torture to a being under the pressure of Ivory poachers.  Added to this ineptness his comments should enrage true hunters by blaming the escaping elephant to be "cheeky" for Makis's poor shooting.  (Watch the
In my opinion Makis is a paying poacher that has less excuse than Al Shabaab that poach ivory for war. 
I don't blame people like Tony Makis for their blood lust and greed, I blame the American people for their indifference and support of NBC programs like this
I appeal to Americans to look into their souls and decide if we are tired of hate, greed and think, what do we stand for and how long will we support destruction of everything in the name of greed.  BOYCOTT NBC'S UNDER WILD SKIES by not watching crap like this.

Do you care about selfishness and greed or the wild free creatures of the world.

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